Teaching and Learning Hyperbolic Functions (II): Other Trigonometric Properties and Their Inverses
Teodor Dumitru Vălcan

As part of a larger project entitled "Training and developing the competences of children, students and teachers to solve problems / exercises in Mathematics", in a recent paper with the same generic name as this one and numbered with (I), I presented the definitions, the consequences immediate resulting from these and a series of 38 properties of hyperbolic functions, properties that we divided into four groups, as follows: A) "Trigonometric" properties - nine properties; B) The derivatives of hyperbolic functions - six properties; C) The primitives (indefinite integrals) of hyperbolic functions - six properties and D) The monotony and the invertibility of hyperbolic functions - 17 properties. In this paper we will continue this approach and will present and prove another 54 properties of these functions, properties that we will divide into three groups, as follows: E) Other properties "trigonometric" - 42 properties; F) Immediate properties of the inverse of hyperbolic functions - six properties and G) The derivatives of the inverse of hyperbolic functions - six properties. These properties, as well as others that we will present and prove later, will be used in various applications in Algebra or Mathematical Analysis.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v8n4a18