The Post-Graduation Impact of Intentional Reflective Practices during Employment in a College Outdoor Program
Thomas D. Cox, Ed.D; Kristin L. Gloystein, M.A.

This article reports the results of research conducted in 2017 to examine the effects of the utilization of the reflection practices by colleges and universities in conjunction with employment in the on-campus outdoor adventure department. This article focuses on what the participants learning styles are according to Kolb‟s experiential learning cycle and how those learning styles affect the post-graduation use of Kolb‟s experiential learning cycle, the types of active and intentional reflection practices that were impactful for students during their employment, and if participants currently incorporate any of those practices into their personal or professional life. We gathered data from graduates of a large public southern, preeminent institution to examine their experiences from a post-graduation perspective. The purpose of the investigation is to examine the post-graduation impacts of the use of intentional reflection practices during employment in outdoor programs for college students. The impact of the utilizing this cycle as part of a student‟s job description is still largely unexplored.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v8n3a3