Impact of Crisis on Universal Basic Education Policy
Elizabeth Anenge Abama, Prof. Theresa Stephen Gyang. PhD

The paper examined the impact of crisis on Universal Basic Education (UBE) policy in Plateau State with a focus on its implications on the child in a changing world. Plateau State is one of the States in Nigeria that has experienced crisis resulting to lost of lives and destruction of properties. The ugly situation tends to reflect in inter-religious, political, inter-ethnic conflicts among others. As a result, the educational sector has suffered setbacks in its operations whereby achievement of UBE objectives could be a failure. There is a general concern about global challenges as the world is rapidly changing. The child is faced with lots of crises that affect his/her growth and development for lifelong learning. Educational managers have a role to ensure that stated educational goals are effectively achieved to enable the child compete favourably in the changing world. The descriptive survey and ex post facto research designs were adopted for the study. The sample of 250 teachers of public primary schools and 100 teachers of private primary schools were derived from the entire population of teachers in the Northern Senatorial District in Plateau State. Crisis Impact Checklist (CIC), Crisis Impact Interview Schedule (CIIS) and documentary template were used to gather data. The statistical techniques used for analysis are the frequency count and simple percentage. Information gathered with interview schedule was described. Some of the major findings include; force closure of schools due to destruction and some schools turned to refugee camps, low quality of teaching due to lack of materials, lack of access to education, distorted pattern of enrolment based on religious segregation, high drop-out rate among others. Recommendations were made which include; re-strategizing government‟s efforts to plan, develop and design formal education in informal settings for people in Internally Displace Persons (IDPs) Camps, re-strategize and step up measures to maintain peace, to cope with crisis consequences for adequate provision of basic education. Sensitize the public on the need to participate in the provision of basic education to enable the child fix well into the global changing world.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v7n3a9