The Effectiveness of a Training Program for Developing the Attitudes toward Vocational Education of Secondary Vocational Education Teachers in Jordan
Abdel Salam Sa,d Deeb Margi, Adnan Al- jadiry , Mufadi Al- Momani, Ali Suliman Mefleh Al-Swalha

This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of training program to develop positive attitudes towards vocational education of secondary vocational education teachers in Jordan. The study population consisted of 100 teachers, who were distributed across all vocational schools of the educational directorates in Irbid governorate. In order to achieve the objective of the study; the researcher has prepared an attitude scale that consisted of 33 items, that were distributed over seven vocational education areas. The validity and consistency of the study tool were verified; whereas the reliability coefficient of the scale was 0.91. In order to answer the questions of the study, arithmetic means, standard deviations, and T-test were extracted. The study came with the following findings: majority of teachers scored at the middle level as to the degree of interest towards vocational education, and here were significant statistical differences in the average degrees of vocational education attitudes of secondary vocational education teachers between pre and post experiment test due to the effect of the suggested training program.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v6n4a9