The Effects of in-class tutoring of Kindergarteners on Patterning, Reading, or Mathematics
Amber Shriver, Laura Lauderdale, MonicaYassa, Erica Schroeder, Eileen Chen, Elizabeth Schabinger, Matthew Righi, Robert Pasnak

Kindergarten students were pretested on the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills - Revised (ABLLS-R), and Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ-III). Following testing, the students were randomly assigned to tutoring groups which focused on patterning, reading, mathematics or social studies (control). The children were tutored in pairs or trios, and an undergraduate student who was earning course credit for his or her work led the tutoring sessions. Each tutoring session lasted about 15 minutes, and the sessions occurred in three to five times per week during the spring semester. When post-tested in June, the children tutored in literacy scored significantly better than any others on the DIBELS Letter Knowledge scale. The children taught patterning outscored those taught social studies on the DIBELS First Sounds time measure. These results suggest that tutoring from undergraduate students can be an effective method for providing extra support to children struggling in reading.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v6n1a1