Analysis in the Use of Socratic Method in Teaching History and Government for Peace building in Kenya
Mwaura Hannah Wanjiku, Dr. Atieno Kili K’ Odhiambo

After 2007 post-election violence in Kenya, concerted efforts have been made to build peace in Kenyan multi-ethnic society where the general public is targeted yet learners in secondary schools have been left out. This paper uses philosophical method of analysis and shows how Socratic Method (SM) of question and answer technique is applicable in teaching History and Government in Kenyan secondary schools to stem ethnic animosity and build peace in the country. Ethnic animosity is rooted in politics, economics and social domains tinged with ethnic chauvinism and following the utterances of the political elites who are informally regarded as “tribal kings”. Through the use of SM, learners, especially those in the first two years of secondary education where topics such national integration, citizenship, democracy and human rights are taught, are posited to reason and realise the fallacies of ethnic chauvinism and illogical obedience to the dictates of politicians. Organisations that target the general public in peace building efforts can liaise with schools in nurturing peace builders. The paper proposes that peace building as an integral part of secondary education curriculum in Kenya should be approached from the comprehensive vantage point of rigorous methodology that incorporates actors within and without school system. Research in methodology to establish peace still needed.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v5n3a18