Teachers Stress Factors: Psychosocial Analysis in Training in Classroom Situations
Clément Massenet, Florence Darnis, Léo Gerville-Réache, Nicolas Epinoux

There are many stress factors inherent to the training and profession of primary school teacher in France, which impact both the personal well-being of future teachers and their professional investment. As a result, we developed a questionnaire assessing stress in classroom situations based on the work of Doise (1980) and Etienne and Fumat (2014). We then set up explanatory interviews inspired by Vermersch (2019) research with teachers in training in order to better understand the stress factors in situ. It appears that student safety, the management of "unruly" students and those with "special profiles" and taking into account "unforeseen events" are the main sources of stress for novice primary school teachers. The psychosocial analysis of these results allowed us to observe that poor mastery of professional gestures can be a source of stress.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v13n2a5