Research on Website-Based Information from Ministries in the Field of Education on the Topic of “Inclusive Vocational Orientation” - Results of a Structured Search
Silvia Greiten, Carina Hübner, Thomas Bienengräber

In Germany, all secondary schools must implement vocational orientation programmes. According to the UN CRPD with Disabilities, these must be designed in such a way that all students, and specifically also those with disabilities, are provided with tailor-made vocational orientation with the aim of optimising the transition to working life. To develop a concept, schools need federal state-specific guidelines and for special educational programmes that apply to students with special educational needs in the inclusive school system. Ministries of education provide information on the internet, including information on vocational orientation. In educational science, there are only a fewstudies on the internet-based provision of information by ministries of education and relevant research options. This article presents a study on a nationwide structured search of ministerial websites in Germany for information on school-related inclusive vocational orientation. The study applies the research approach of structured website-based research, document analysis, and online content analysis. The results show that the research options and the information on vocational orientation that can be found vary greatly in all federal states. Information on inclusive vocational orientation can hardly be found, while relevant legal norms can neither be found with keyword-based searches nor with viewing of links.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v13n2a3