Open & Distance Education as a body of the Human Right to education
Nektaria Sakkoula

In the mid-20th century, the United Nations, in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proposed that education be voted as a pivotal human right, highlighting its importance for humans’ well-being and societies’ development. However, Open and Distance Education (ODE) has been ensuring citizens’ access to education within any socio-financialconditions, since the 19th century. Being the pillar of the educational process in cases where people face objective difficulties, discrimination or exclusion, ODE continuously promotes Democracy and equity, providing people with educational opportunities under any circumstances. Hence, this short paper, through a literature review, aims to prove the interconnection between ODE principles and the ideas deriving from the paragraphs of Article 26. Findings demonstrate that ODE core values are in harmony with the proposals of Article 26 and that both of them have been formed upon a mutual basis.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v11n1a3