The Impact of Mnemonics as Instructional Tool
Dr. Joseph Akpan, Dr. Charles E. Notar(Emeritus), Dr. Larry Beard

Mnemonics have probably used subconsciouslybefore, even without the personā€˜s intentional knowledge. Mnemonic devices are any technique that helps translate information into a form that makes it easier to retain than in its original form. Mnemonics are visual images and organizational devices. This includes rhymes and poems, acronyms, songs and outlines tools. Parents and teachers should use them to help children/studentsimprove their memory to recall important information. During the present and future time of eLearning,the mnemonic can be an effective instructional device/ strategythat should not be overlooked. The article explains the following the major types of mnemonics and how to construct your own:Acronyms, Acrostics (First letter), Chunking, Connection, Keyword, Peg, Rhymes/Alliteration, Imagery.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v10n3a3