“Effect of Constructvist Class Room Environment on Achievement of Students in Mathematics at Primary School Level”
Surya Vasan, Prof. (Dr.) Abdul Gafoor. P. K

The present study entitled as “Effect of Constructivist Class Room Environment on Achievement of Students in Mathematics at Primary School Level.” The main objective for the present study was to study the effect of constructivist class room environment on Achievement of students in Mathematics at primary school level. Experimental method used in this study with Pre-test, Post-test equivalent group design. For the present study the intelligence test (Raven,1998) and an Achievement test in mathematics(Surya vasan,2013) were administrated on 76 students of class VII of Government Vocational Higher Secondary School, Payyoli, Calicut. Researcher classified the whole students in to two category ie, experimental and control group. Here the researcher adopt the co-operative learning strategy for create a constructivist class room environment to the experimental group and the control group was taught the same topic by traditional method. The treatment period for both groups was about two weeks. After the treatment the both groups were administered post-test on the same topics. For the analysis of the collected data, investigator used mean, standard deviation and ‘t’ test as statistical techniques. Result revealed that there was a significantly positive effect of constructivist class room environment on achievement of students and the effect of constructivist class room environment on achievement of boys was not significantly differ from girls.

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