Views of University Students on Practices in Using e-Portfolio as an ICT Tool for Learning
Dr. Fuad Ali Ahmed Eksail

The study aimed at exploring students’ views on practices of using e-Portfolio as an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tool for learning. The researcher adopted the qualitative descriptive approach, in which a random sample of 156 fourth year students at Bahrain Teacher College (BTC) were selected and asked about their views and practices of their e-portfolios that they have to prepare and present in an exam session as a requirement for graduation. A questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. The findings showed that according to students' views there is high awareness of the importance of e-Portfolio in saving works and in giving them opportunities to control and improve their learning. Many factors prevented their practice in e-portfolio effectively. Based on the results of this study, decision makers are recommended to be aware of the core and potential of Exabis e-Portfolio as an ICT learning tool, extensive training for instructors and students on the use of the e-Portfolio platform, and adopt an organized approach in practicing using e-portfolio facilities and receive constructive feedback to improve the students’ practice in both contents as well as ICT skills. The findings also stressed the need to develop the interaction in the e-Portfolio system and measure procedures of implementation.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v9n3a7