Factors that Hamper Communication among Student-Teachers Working as a Team in the Framework of the Application of the Project Method - Research
Marina Kougiourouki

The current research studies the hampering of communication among members of a working team in the framework of the application of the project method in training future teachers, through recording the views of students of the Department of Primary Education of Democritus University of Thrace. The anonymous written questionnaire, completed by future teachers that worked in teams during ten programmed weekly meetings, served as a research tool. The results show clearly that the students – during the implementation of the project that they undertook – mentioned that the negative communicational behaviors which took place in the framework of the team member meetings, as well as the conversations among them, disorientated the members from the team goals and disorganized them, without, however, causing problems in team coherence and without negatively influencing their interpersonal relationships. The factors that hampered communication among cooperating members were reported to be the disposition of members as well as the lack of information, while it was stressed that irony, ridiculing and criticism of the other can also lead to hampering of the communication process.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v8n4a20