The Influence of Motorcycles/Boda Boda on Community Development in Rural Kenya: a study of the Challenges Facing Motor Cycle Operators in Meru South Sub-County
James Kariuki J Nyaga, Dr. James Gichuru Kariuki (PhD)

This research aimed at evaluating the impact and the challenges of the boda boda operations on the rural society in Kenya with a focus on Meru South Sub-County. The study covered 100 boda boda operators/riders and 7 key informants. The research applied probabilistic sampling methods namely: simple random and cluster sampling to determine the sample size. The study established that only 49% of the boda boda operators possessed driving licences. The research established various challenges that affected boda boda operations as well as the risks that were attributed to emergence of boda boda in the rural areas. The challenges and risks that faced the boda boda operators included harassment by the police, poor health conditions, accidents and breakdown of the motorcycles, uncooperative or difficult customers, sexual abuse and high levels of school dropouts. The study makes recommendations of how motorcycles can become more effective in opening up the rural areas in order to enhance community development in rural Kenya.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v8n1a10