The New University in a World in Transformation
Osvaldo Della Giustina

This article is a summary of my book under the same title: THE NEW UNIVERSITY in a World in Transformation, published in the European Unity by New Editions Academic, paperback and online version. In Brazil, available only on paperback, published by Editora UNISUL – University of Southern State Santa Catarina. -On its academic side, the book is a result of many decades of interaction as a student at first, and then as a teacher, a consultant and head of universities. Plus a combination of over a dozen presentations in various ambients, debates at universities, seminars and academic encounters. -On a more analytical side of this changing world we live in, this book seats its fundament in another book of mine “ PARTICIPATION AND SOLIDARITY, the Revolution of the Third Millennium (II)” , which is available on paperback in Brazil (Editora Unisul)and both online and paperback in the European Community - translated in French and English, (Editions Universitaires Européennes). This article is a result of this diversity of aspects that is this diversity of aspects. While giving priority to the issue of the university in its general or conceptual aspects in the Brazilian reality, with some forays into other countries, it can not be considered a proposition focused only on one or another field in the educational area at its various levels or modes, neither in the analysis of the transformations presenting occurring in the world. In fact, as it is the author's conviction, the changing world and the education in this world, are not seccionable. Quite the opposite. The education develops its interdependence as its complexity grows. Therefore, this is how the world and the education must be understood. It is an analysis within this perspective that this article aims to take as a propotition of the reader’s eyes, in particular for the scholastics, to whom this article targets. I must finally consider that while this study has its origin in the Brazilian reality, analyzing this reality and proposing responses to it, I believe that these analyzes and proposals exceed this limit and may contribute to the new paths of the university in this changing world, even because in this world nothing is contained exclusively in their own limits. A call to contribute to build a different world - a more participatory, human and solidary world – interests to all universities, regardless of where they are located, or what dimension have their quality or their representation.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v7n3a10