A Study on the Effects of Internet Addiction on College Students’ Foreign Language Learning 
Hsin-Yi Huang

The main objective of this study was to explore the influence of Internet addiction on foreign language learning performance in Taiwanese college students. The questionnaire survey method was employed. The participants of this study were college students from non-English language departments in Taiwan. The Chen Internet Addiction Scale was used to measure the level of Internet addiction of the participants. The SPSS software was used to perform statistical analyses. The main findings of the study included the following: (1) There were statistically significant differences between English proficiency test performance and Internet addiction; (2) There were no statistically significant differences between English proficiency test performance and ―Compulsive use of Internet‖ and ―Withdrawal symptom;‖ (3) the amount of Internet use among students with better English proficiency test performance had an increasing trend; (4) students with good English proficiency test performance had better interpersonal relationships and health than students with poorer performance; (5) students with good English proficiency test performance were less influenced by the Internet when planning their life. The research results were discussed and suggestions for future research were proposed.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v7n2a6