Fundaments of Critical Thinking Evaluation in High Education
Bruna Casiraghi

Critical Thinking is a highly relevant topic for education, especially in higher education, considering its role in professional training and knowledge production. The concept of critical thinking is associated with a reasoning that holds more complexityand superior quality and supports informed decision making, leading to more effectiveproblem solving. Several instruments have been produced and validated for this purpose and have different characteristics: question format; main skills assessed; type of problem presented; application format. These differences do not constitute oppositions, since the different abilities can be grouped into three great groups: argument analysis; explanation and decision making/problem solving. The understanding of critical thinking in three fundamental stages, which encompass the complexity of thinking and the essential points in this process, establishes more specific parameters of monitoring and evaluation. Faced with the complexity of aspects and processes involving critical thinking, the search for structuring fundamental stages is not an easy task and is not intended to reduce or simplify the concept,but it is expected that with this structuring skills, it will be possible to develop intervention programs and evaluation instruments that are increasingly effective.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v6n3a11