The Effects of Coaching on Teacher Efficacy, Academic Optimism and Student Achievement: The Consideration of a Continued Professional Development Option for Teachers
Nancy Akhavan, Ed. D; Susan Tracz, Ed. D.

Adult learning suggests that coaching, where a teacher and coach work together through a cycle of planning, modeling and conferencing, is an effective method to increase teacher ability. For this study, a previously collected database was used to examine the construct of academic optimism which consists of three variables, teacher efficacy, trust in adults and students, and academic emphasis in relation to presence of coaching. A survey was given to teachers who had and had not been coached. Data mining was completed from public websites for district Annual Yearly Progress reports per No Child Left Behind mandates to determine changes in student achievement, which was a current measure when the data were collected. Findings indicate that teachers who receive coaching do have impact on positive change on student achievement. Professional development through coaching is significantly related to teacher efficacy, student achievement and teachers’ belief that coaching increases their ability to impact student achievement..

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v5n3a5