Pre-service Primary School Teachers’ Opinions about School Experience and Teaching Practice Course
Barış Çetin

The aim of this study is to find out the opinions of pre-service primary school teachers regarding school experience classes. This study was designed as a case study, which is one of the qualitative research models. The sampling of the study consists of 32 female and 12 male pre-service teachers studying at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. The findings of the study are as follows: female pre-service teachers have the most positive views for gaining experience and male pre-service teachers have the most positive views for gaining skills for effective communication with students when they are having their school experience. Female preservice teachers suggest as a negative side of school experience that it is in the last year of their education; male pre-service teachers suggest as the negative side of school experience that it needs to start earlier. What female pre-service teachers suggest as positive view is that they gain school experience; and what male preservice teachers suggest as positive view is that they have more opportunities to learn about teaching profession. Female pre-service teachers have come up with the following opinion most often; “physical deficiencies of schools”. Male pre-service teachers have come up with the following negative opinion regarding school experience.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v4n4a15