Perceptions of the Leader in Me© Process in Regard to Student Discipline
Humphries, A. Cherie; Cobia, F. Jane; Ennis, Leslie S.

This study was designed to determine perceptions of The Leader in Me® process in decreasing student discipline effectively at the elementary level. Nine Leader in Me© schools were used for this study that met the following criteria: a) Leader in Me status in the southeastern state of the United States; b) K-5 Public School; c) Title I status; d) met Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) for the 2011-12 School Year; and e) minimum two years of The Leader in Me© process. An on-line teacher survey was administered to kindergarten through fifth grade teachers in the nine Leader in Me© schools. The survey measured teacher perceptions of Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People© principles being used in the nine The Leader in Me© schools with regard to student discipline. The independent variables of the study were key elements (strategies) of implementing The Leader in Me ® process. The dependent variable was the perception of the effectiveness of strategies in reducing student discipline. Results from a Pearson product-moment correlation r on SPSS indicated there was a significant correlation between the teachers’ perception of the level of The Leader in Me© process implementation and perceived reduced student discipline. The analysis of the results indicate that the Level of Implementation scores and the Student Discipline scores had a significant positive correlation, r(120) = .61, p < .001.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v4n3a11