Diversifying the Pool of Teacher Candidates: Identifying Hurdles to Program Completion for Students of Color and English Learners in a Predominantly white Teacher Education Setting
Aram deKoven

Numeric data indicate that few students of color are admitted to, and/or graduate from, the teacher education program at the studied university. This research provides qualitative insight into the factors that drive these low numbers. Twenty in-depth interviews were conducted with students who identified as students of color, half of whom were English learners. Participants were asked detailed questions about their experiences within the studied teacher education program. Two clear hurdles to program admission and completion were uncovered, including, a perceived lack of support for cultural heritage and a lack of personalized academic support. Recommendations are made to help increase the abilities of post-secondary institutions to attract and graduate more students of color.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v4n2a12