Incorporating Social Justice in the Pre-Service Teacher Classroom
Karla Eidson

This article outlines the sequence of a semester-long effort to foster social justice awareness and globalmindedness through an examination of human trafficking with special emphasis on the sex slave market in Nepal. Using identified strands from the National Council for Social Studies curriculum as the basis of the semester study, students learned effective methods of teaching geography, history, government, culture, and citizenship using the issue of human trafficking as their focus of inquiry and exploration. Through children’s literature and group projects, the students created lesson plans and units of study around the topic of slavery. Transitioning from the concept of US citizenship to global citizenship, the students explored other countries through the strands of culture and geography, including the nation of Nepal. Using documentaries, interviews, and Internet research, students learned the details behind the plight of thousands of exploited women in Nepal. Students generated unique ways of creating awareness of the issue.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v4n2a1