Promoting Academic Integrity: Utilizing Code of Conduct Statements with Students in an Online Course during the Pandemic
Jill A. Singleton-Jackson, Marissa M. Rakus, Sabrina Thompson, Claire J. Jackson, Brynn E. Bondy, Dennis L. Jackson

Academic integrity is a fundamental principle that underpins the educational process, fostering a culture of trust, fairness, and ethical behavior in academic settings. It is crucial for universities to address these factors that influence cheating and create an environment that promotes academic integrity. This study explored an active approach to communicating the expectations of academic integrity in a virtual classroom. Participants in this study were enrolled in large sections of Introduction to Psychology courses at a midsize Canadian university. Observed grade inflation during the pandemic inspired the addition of a code of conduct statement to the course materials. The anticipated decrease in average exam scores after being exposed to the code of conduct did not occur. Findings indicate that having a code of conduct as a central document in an online setting is insufficient for inspiring academic honesty. We discuss reasons why this intervention was ineffective and provide recommendations for others wishing to use a code of conduct in an online course. We concluded, as have other researchers, that students’ attitudes toward cheating and peer-based norms are paramount to a culture of academic integrity.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v12n2a2