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Miraç Özar completed his MA and Ph.D. degrees at Middle East Technical University based in the capital of Turkey, Ankara in 1996. He also received a post graduate diploma in ICT in education from King’s College London with a scholarship received from the British Council. Miraç Özar joined the British Council in 2000 and ran the Department of Science and Education as the manager until 2007. He initiated and conducted a number of joint projects between Britain and Turkey on quality assurance for universities, techno parks, ICT in schools and collaboration under both National Agencies. He also worked as a Community Service Volunteer (CSV) in Bristol for about nine months in 1989. Miraç Özar is now working for Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) as a faculty member at the IAU Faculty of Education and as the Head of Turkish Language Teaching and Research Centre for international students. He is also the Head of the Department of Recruiting International Students on behalf of IAU. In addition to his national and international articles and books in the field of education, Miraç Özar has released his own jazz CD, called “Bird over Bodrum” with his own compositions.