Impact of Conceptual Instructional Method on Students’ Academic Achievement in Practical Chemistry among Secondary School Students in Zaria Educational Zone Kaduna State Nigeria
Muhammad Binta Asabe

The study investigated the Impact of Conceptual Instructional Method on Students’ Academic Achievement in Practical Chemistry. The population for the study was 1401 S.S. II Science Students. A sample of 100 Students was randomly drawn from two co-educational secondary schools. The subjects were divided in to two: Experimental and control groups of 50 students each. Pretest-posttest quasiexperimental control group design was adapted. The subjects in the experimental group were exposed to Conceptual Instructional Method, while those in the Control group were exposed to lecture method for a period of six weeks. The instrument developed for data collection was: Chemistry Practical Achievement Test (CPAT) with reliability coefficient of 0.71, two research questions were stated and two null hypotheses were tested. The data collected were subjected to statistical analysis at 0.05 level of significance. t-test statistics was used. The findings from the study are: Academic Achievement of Subjects Exposed to Conceptual Instructional Method was significantly higher than their counterparts exposed to lecture method of instruction. With reference to gender, there was no significant difference between male and female students academic achievement in the experimental group. On the basis of the findings, it was concluded that, conceptual instructional method enhances students’ academic achievement towards practical chemistry. Amongst the recommendations made include: Chemistry teachers should incorporate conceptual instructional method for teaching at senior secondary school level.

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