Understanding the Morality of Teaching Profession With Reference To Immanuel Kant's Conceptualization of Good Will versus Duty
Wycliffe Amukowa, Moses Karuiki Nderitu
Journal of Education and Human Development, 2(1), pp. 42-50

This paper seeks an articulation of the morality of actions and attitudes relating to the teaching profession. Its essence is a contribution to the understanding of motivations and principles guiding the choice of teaching as a profession and the consequent engagement of its duty.

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Amukowa, Wycliffe. & Nderitu, Karuiki Moses. (2013). Understanding the Morality of Teaching Profession With Reference To Immanuel Kant's Conceptualization of Good Will versus Duty. Journal of Education and Human Development, 2(1), pp. 42-50.

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Dr. Wycliffe Amukowa is a senior lecturer of Philosophy of Education and Critical Pedagogy at Mount Kenya University. At Kenyatta University, he earned a Bachelor of Education Arts First Class Honours Degree and Master of Education in 2006. In the year 2010, Dr. Amukowa received a PhD in Philosophy of Education at the University of Nairobi. In his career engagement, he has served as diplomat and international human resource developer. Besides outstanding academic performance, Dr. Amukowa engages with pride, teaching, learning, research and service that promotes and protects the uniqueness of man, for the betterment of mankind while focusing on exceptional career achievement ahead through long efforts and performance regularity. Dr. Amukowa trains Pedagogical and Examination Skills for University Education.


Moses Kariuki is a lecturer at Mount Kenya University. He holds a Masters Degree in Educational Communication and Technology, specializing in Subject Methods for Physics. He holds immense experiences in Teaching Practice for Teacher trainees and he is currently completing his PhD in Critical Pedagogy and Education.